Kitesurf Areas Hurghada

Space is luxury

Our windsurf and kitesurf spot is loacted at the Mercure Hurghada Hotel, 700m downwind of Caribbean style sandbanks. Directly infront of the centre is a large freeride spot with plenty of space for everyone on the water. Here windsurfers and kiters can enjoy the conditions. A great place to practise gybes or kite jump manoeuvres. The prevailing wind is usually crossshore from the left. In the morning the wind can also blow cross-offshore, before changing direction. The sandbanks can be reached in a few tacks, depending on the wind direction. The tides can be different heights, during the seasons, leaving the sandbanks more or less exposed. The area is mostly fine sand and the small patches of coral are easily visible. We recommend wearing neoprene shoes.

With our radio rescue system, we give you exceptional rescue cover. Whether your are upwind of the sandbanks or just in front of the centre, you can always contact us if you need to be rescued.

Kite Beach

Just upwind of the centre is a long sandy beach for experienced kiters where you can launch and land your kite. At high tide, you can launch directly from the sandy beach. At low tide there is a red buoy just off the launching and landing beach, to show you where the water becomes  shallow. It is possible to kitesurf at any tide height. Our staff are there for launching and landing assistance. Neoprene shoes also recommended.

Intermediate kiters not yet able to keep height should take advantage of our training courses, as it is not possible to practice independently without affiliation to our station due to safety reasons.

Independent practice or kiting without affiliation to the station is not possible.

The use of our facility also includes a usage fee for the beach, which covers our costs for rent, licenses, salaries and taxes. As we offer a professional service and ensure your safety, this fee is meant to be a small contribution to enable us to provide you with our usual quality.

Bookable per day or per week. 


Windsurf Bay

The windsurfing launch area is located right next to the centre. The prevailing wind blows cross-shore from the left. For the beginners, we offer walkie-talkies and our rescue boat service. Progression is fast so a great place to learn how to waterstart or early planning. We also offer supervised “downwinder” trips from the sandbanks which have great learning success.

Area 1 – Windsurfing lessons and Shuttle

For fast learners and intermediates the windsurfing courses are held in area 1 (sandbanks). There you will find a nice shallow area and plenty of space to practice. As a special highlight our windsurf instructor will lead you back to the centre on a “downwinder”. Neoprene shoes are recommended.

Area 2 – Kitesurf Shuttle

As a special service you can book a shuttle to area 2. The shuttle includes the boat trip one way to the sandbanks, equipment setup and launching assistance. Please ask us for the shuttle times. Suitable for all independent kiters. Intermediate Kiter die noch keine Höhe halten können sollten unsere Kursangebote wahrnehmen da ein eigenständiges Üben ohne  Stationsbetreung aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht möglich ist.

Area 3 – Kitesurf Teaching Area

Our large training area for kiters can be reached in about 10 minutes by boat. We are the only centre using this large shallow area. With plenty of space to progress quickly on a kitesurfing course without other people close to you. The area is mostly fine sand beach, with occasional shells – so we recommend wearing our shoes.

Harry Nass Hurghada kitesurfing
Kite school Egypt

Map Hurghada

Windforecast Hurghada